The spark of freedom ignited in PoK against Pakistan, human rights activist exposed the Pak army

Pakistan sings the song of Kashmir but its condition in Balochistan is itself bad. Now the fire of freedom has started burning in Pakistan occupied Kashmir along with Balochistan.

New Delhi (Shah Times): Pakistan sings the song of Kashmir but its condition in Balochistan is itself bad. Now the fire of freedom has started burning in Pakistan occupied Kashmir along with Balochistan.

Human rights activist of Pakistan Rubina Khan told that on one hand Pakistan was celebrating Army Day on 5 February, on the other hand on the same day the people of PoK have started a Free PoK campaign against the army.

Now the ugly face of the Pakistani army has been exposed to the world many times. The Pak army can humiliate India as much as it wants, but its own truth has been exposed many times in its own country.

The attack happened a few days ago

Baloch rebels have carried out a big attack in Balochistan, Pakistan. In this attack, police station, railway line and national highway were targeted within 24 hours, in which 73 people including soldiers have died. This attack has become one of the biggest attacks in the insurgency-hit Balochistan in the last several decades. Pakistan’s army said that 14 soldiers were killed in the encounter after the attacks. 21 BLA rebels were also killed in this attack. According to the Chief Minister of Balochistan, 38 civilians have lost their lives. Out of these people, 23 were killed in the attack on the National Highway, when armed men identified the passengers and shot them.